First of all, welcome to my Blog! I am happy about your interest in my activities and I hope to see you soon back here! I let go my regular job a few months ago and started a life in my van. Sometimes I stay in my studio and work for exhibitions or artworks for clients, just as I am doing right now.
Its been now a few months already, since I am back to a nomadic and free artistic life. During the past weeks I set up this website to show you my activities while I was involved in two intense projects: The Sardona Fountain and the Alp Puzzetta. Beside that I spent time in the mountains or on the water trekking, kitesurfing, paddling and sketching.
Now time is getting calmer and I have time to work on the products of my experiences, select photos, write and cut videos.
Now I wish you having fun exploring my website and the documentary of what I do. Its a bit different from usual biographies I guess and I am happy if I can inspire you to find your own Inspiration Trail!
Some highlights just here below: